The project is an initiative designed to promote climate change mitigation and adaptation, maintain biodiversity and create alternative livelihoods under the United Nations scheme of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+). The 445,339 ha SCRP encompasses parts of Southern Cardamom National Park and Tatai Wildlife Sanctuary andprotects a critical part of the Cardamom Mountains Rainforest Ecoregion – one of the 200 most important locations for biodiversity conservation on the planet. Find out more here.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality and spur economic growth - all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests. If you wish to view the impact of each SDG in more detail please click here.
Provided microfinance to 71 women from 7 villages, coached in financial literacy to improve the effectiveness of their savings and loan activities.
Ensures sustainable food production systems and implements resilient agricultural practices in the project zone that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems.
1,743 people have improved health services since the beginning of the project, of which 878 are women.
Provides scholarships for students in primary and secondary school. The Scholarship Fund pilot was announced for a 4- year bachelor’s degree at the Royal University of Phnom Penh and Royal University of Agriculture.
For the education bursary programs, there are 8 females and 5 males participating. For project run education programs, there are 779 female students and 532 male students attending events.
82,548 people live in the communities of the project zone and benefit from the protection of the watershed.
22,584 people have received assistance on income generating activities, of which 6,683 people received income generating assistance and 629 people received access to microfinance.
71 women from 7 villageswere coached in financial literacy to improve the effectiveness of their savings and loan activities, which were initiated in 2018.
Ensures equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard. No grievances have been submitted to the Project.
Zoning and demarcation activities have continued, so that the land for local communities is clearly delineated. 21 land use planning meetings have been conducted with participation and support from local authorities.
Awareness raising on the SCRP activities was conducted in 25 villages of 10 communes and 4 districts of Koh Kong Province since 2018.
Avoided the deforestation of 63,181 and reduced the emission of 23,857,741 t CO2e through avoided deforestation of project area.
Training civilians to become Southern Cardamom REDD+ rangers, as environmental ranger Agents under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Environment Provincial Department. Their on-the-job training has included Protected Area Law and legal procedures, rescue of wildlife caught in snares or transported by poachers.